Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Konvoi Darul Attiq

Hai kawan-kawan.. this story was few weeks back.. just wanted to share it with the others.. hehe..

We ~bikers~ had created for ourselves, a new team, which is base in Puchong Utama.. We call it Puchong Bikers, which is handle by Mr. Khairul Hafidz fromTabung Haji Plantation.. It was created at 12AM 1st January 2009. Haha.. Suka-suka jer pilih tarikh tu.. takde apa yang istimewa pun..

So,, for our first trip, we went to this one old Madrasah in Batang Kali. They call it as Madrasah Darul Attiq. We chose 25th April 2009 as our date since that, it fall on Saturday.. We gathered in Puchong Utama at 8 o'clock in the morning..

Supposed we started our journey at 8.30 AM sharp, but as we all know, kita ni kan banyak yang Janji Melayu.. Haha.. After waitin, and keep on waiting, then we were on our wheel at 8.45AM sharp..

From Puchong Utama, we use LDP highway and we passed over IOI Mall to get ourselves to Jalan Kuching.. After about 30-45 minutes, we reached Petronas Station which is located at the junction going towards Ulu Yam.. We gathered with a few biker club from Kuala Kubu Baru, Rawang, and even Semenyih Bikers.. So, altogether, there were about 50-60 of s, whom were so ready to take over all corners in Ulu Yam, and Ulu Yam Baru.. haha.. We Reached the Madrasah an hour earlier than we estimated.. So, without further due, kitaorang pun rushed jer la masuk ke dalam kawasan tu..

Tempat tu leh tahan besar nya gak.. Yang bukak kawasan tu adalah Ustaz "sumhin-sumthin", I couldn't remember his name.. He got that -Darul Attiq- name from his dream, which in that dream, his father told him to take that name as that name is quite "mulia" di sisi Allah..

He quite old already. He take good care of that Madrasah by some help from the outsiders.. There's no government fund, no NGO been helping them, as if they done nothing.. but, if you go there,and you feed your eyes with the scenery, the quiet-ness, the peace, and the harmony, you yourselves know that the place is a good place to raise a child..

We were there for about 3 and half hours, listening to the founder, then, we had our lunch with them also.. Lepas semayang Zuhur, kitaorang pun balik..

For you info, perjalanan kali ni memuaskan. Walaupun ada silap dan salah yang kami buat, kami redha. Kerana segala yang baik datang dari Allah s.w.t dan yang buruk datang dari diri kami sendiri..

See you'guy in my next session.. bubbye..

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