Sunday, June 14, 2009

Jonker Walk..? Hmm...

Baru jer ada masa nak menaip kat lap-top ni.. Sekali my sister dah pun masukkan all the picture that i took from the Jonker Walk, that we went yesterday... Mostly, apa nak ditulis, dah ada kat blog dia pun..


Why dun me make it this way..?
Since she already downloaded mostly everything, take this address:

and pass on your komen comments.. Hehe..


~Sama sama mengejar mimpi~

1 comment:

  1. alololo..
    sian adik aku nie...
    apa la salahnye, kalau aku da tulis, ko tulis gak... in ur own words...?? huh.. majok lak dia.. ececececee.
    anyway thanks k. kasi share itu gamba2..
    dan aku suda up dulu dari tuan punye.. ehhehe

