Saturday, January 17, 2009

Hari Jumaat 16.01.09 Penuh Sejarah

Bermula Era Baru Hidup~kuh

-Pada hari Jumaat bersamaan 6.30 petang di hari yang cerah tak hujan, aku dan kakak serta adik ku telah pun pergi ke Dealer Proton di Taipan, Focus Setup Sdn Bhd untuk redeem kenderaan pertama hasil duit ku.. Eh, silap, hasil duit aku dan makbapak aku.. haha.. Punyalah lama aku nunggu untuk dapat keta nie..

-Minggu sebelum-sebelum tu, sorang amoi dari EON Bank ada call aku, untuk buat easy interview bout the loan for this car.. Instead of having an interview, we had a little chat on the phone. She wanted to know more bout my working environment in RHB and interested to shift over to my place.. haha.. Ironic, isn't it..? That talk only took bout 10 minutes. And, the next day, my loan had been approved without hesitation..haha.. I felt so lucky and grateful that I got that loan..

-I can't help myself out smiling in front of that car.. It reminds me of my old-fashioned car, Proton Iswara 1.5cc which I got it from my dad.. I'm going to take good care of this new car like the way i take good car of myself..

Perasaan Gembira Menyelubungi Seluruh Tubuh Ku..

-And so, the car dealer representative, Mr. Alwin brought me in the office and gave me a summary of that car.. Where to look for the alarm signal and so on.. I can't help it but to look outside more than paying attention to him.. haha.. After that, he asked me to company him to that car and he did some final touch before that car being released..

-He told me that my car just got out from the tint-shop nearby and that's why there were some marks on the car that need to be wiped out.. and since that he was paying full attention to what he's doing, I took the opportunity to snapped his picture.. Haha.. He look like my personal driver, am I right..? hahaha...

-Since that Proton have a few numbers of colour, I chose to have 'Gray Nitrate' as my colour.. Tapi Mr. Alwin tersilap paham, so unfortunately, I got myself a silver.. ah! dun care lah, as long as the car was in perfect condition, I got no problem.. hehe..

I Got nothing else to talk about... Here are some of the picture that u might wanna see.. Have fun this weekend, do enjoy yourselves dan jagalah keselamatan masing-masing sewaktu bersuka ria ye..

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! Bawak kete elok2..
    Ingatlah pada yg tersayang :)
