Saturday, July 25, 2009

One Day Trip, Again~~ Hehe..


I was very happy when I knew that there was one more day trip, and this time, they were going to Bentong.. haha.. Nice..

I reached BHP Petrol after Tol Gombak, at about 9am, and since some of us, haven't reached yet, we only started our journey to Bentong at about 10.40 am, thanks to Brother Pian yang terewat bangun..

It was a nice journey coz everybody suddenly having their so-called 'blues-time', bawak motor pun baik-baik jer.. Hehe.. Then, we reached Dataran Bentong to gather around with YDP Majlis Perbandaran Bentong (KALAUTAK SILAP LAH) and his AVP..

From here, kitaorang gi pulak ke kedai makan lak untuk makan breakfast.. Best woo, sebab kan, nasi lemak dia punya sambal memang pure dari kampung punya.. tak macam sambal nasi lemak kat warung kita ni, banyak pakai cili boh.. Hehe..~ Jgn marah wahai penjual nasi lemak sekalian..

Lepas melantak, kitaorang dibawa oleh YDP ke Muzium FELDA lak.. Waktu ni memang matahari punya baik atas kepala!! Haha.. aku tak nak lah tunjuk kan yang aku dah pancit kan.. haha..

It is a nice place to go, but you need someone to guide you cause it seems that this place is a kampung, so everybody is just working...

From there, we moved on to the KarangKraf place.. This place, sorry to say but, it's quite dull lar.. Luckily there were a few clowns in our team.. Haha..

Haha.. Look at them.. haha..

From here, kitaorang pun di bawa ke Air Terjun Chamang. Kat sini, aku dah tak dapat nak amik gambar banyak sgt dah, aku dah nampak akan kenikmatan air terjun jer.. Haha.. Without hesitation, aku pun terjun lah.. Muahahahaha...!!!!

Pas mandi, aku siap-siap untuk balik rumah... Siap lah perjalan satu hari~kuh.. Haha...

1 comment:

  1. ah,jeles aku... anyway lesen L aku da tamat tempoh aa.. tolong renew eh bro! hahaa
